Again, my experience regarding the confirmation of earthly life as a hologram according to the theory of the holographic universe:
“In one mystical dream, for example, I lived a life where I was from my then (when I was dreaming) daily point of view in the future and I had one big long family one-story house where people of a spiritual nature met (something like a spiritual-political-social center – after the war). It was a center for awakened psychics and healers, but also for diplomats, awakened politicians and all those who worked to save planet Earth. There were several specific things that happened there, I don’t want to go into detail about it now, but the important thing in this case is that in the end it turned out that the dream was not reality, but only something that can be compared to an earthly hologram, while for me, as participant, it was all extremely colorful, physical and alive. What happened was that at the end I somehow woke up in that dream to my (everyday) consciousness at the time, although I was simultaneously sleeping and dreaming. And then I literally started jumping for joy that I would be able to fulfill (at the time I thought it was a preview of the real future in my life) finally at least a large part of my life’s task. And suddenly I saw that the whole picture, the whole story that I was in, began to sway. I was very surprised because I felt the event as a reality. And someone behind my back suddenly told me not to jump, because the event will spill. I stopped in surprise, but the whole thing suddenly really fell apart and I started to wake up. But even then I experienced my great surprise, when, between dream consciousness and full wakefulness, I suddenly saw myself in a room in which it was semi-dark, as if someone had drawn the curtains, and my higher self, which was actually myself at the time, was sitting in a chair, it had several wires attached to it, and someone was standing next to me, telling me to calm down and that I had to go back to earthly “reality”…
In addition to the fact that even in this way we can be shown certain facts, e.g. from the future, from higher spheres, from past lives, etc., actually our entire earthly life is just something like an interacting hologram world…
And in the meantime I understood, on the basis of other experiences during my (everyday) consciousness, not only from the dream, that the one who was the observer during that dream was my subtle higher consciousness, and in fact the gross body with its lowest component, the physical body, is animated only connection and the radiated part of the subtle body, and the higher subtle body is in a state of “half-sleep or sleep” and quietly observes the happenings on the lower levels, until, through the process of maturation, it is ready to take over the leading role, if it ever matures. And all this is in accordance with the facts described in the book Messages from the Higher Spheres.
The above-described event is the meaning of the symbolism in the fairy tale The Neverending Story. The boy reading the miraculous book is symbolic of the subtle body observing its gross life and can participate in that life only after this connection has matured. The degree of maturation in the fairy tale is also indicated by the naming of the queen, which is similar to the gift of a name – in other words, a certain degree of maturation of the lower consciousness and its degree of connection with the higher consciousness, etc.”
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